Scholarships for HR Managers and Other Human Resource Professionals
Whether you are aiming for a graduate degree or just getting started on your bachelor’s in human resource management, it’s always nice to find someone to help you with the costs.
Tuition costs have skyrocketed in the United States in the past few decades. The College Board’s 2017 Trends in College Pricing Report lays bare the cold, hard figures: for the average four-year public institution in 1987, tuition costs (adjusted to 2017 dollars) were just $3,190. In 2017, it was $9,970—a 213 percent increase.
Private school tuition only increased by 129 percent over the same period but it’s still a healthy chunk of cash. And although human resources is a relatively well-paying profession, you don’t want to spend the first ten or fifteen years of your career paying down college loans.
- What Does it Take to Qualify for an HR Degree Scholarship?
- Where Can I Find Scholarship Opportunities for Degrees in HR and HR Management?
- Non-state-based Human Resources Scholarships
- HR and HRM Scholarships for Degree Programs in Your State
Scholarships are a great way to bridge the gap between what you have and what you need to pay for the education you deserve. There are thousands of endowments that exists expressly for the purpose of helping struggling HR and business students pay for tuition and other educational costs. This list will point you in the right direction to tap into those important resources.
What Does it Take to Qualify for an HR Degree Scholarship?
All scholarships come with caveats. Whether it’s your GPA or your gender or where you live, scholarship award committees have qualities and standards that they consider when handing out awards. You can keep from wasting your time, and theirs, by understanding the qualifications required for any scholarships you plan to apply for before you put in the paperwork.
These criteria tend to fall into three categories:
Almost all scholarships have some bar for a minimum grade point average you must have sustained, either in your college career to date or in your high school coursework. If they do not look at GPA, then they will probably at least want your SAT scores.
Additionally, most HR-related scholarships require that you be majoring in HR management or a related field. If you change your major, you will lose the scholarship.
The school you will attend typically also has to be a fully accredited university, and sometimes a recognized research university to be eligible.
In some cases, particularly for awards restricted to graduate students, your qualifications will have to include on-the-job experience. The Susan R. Meisinger Fellowship from the Society for Human Resource Management Foundation (SHRM) offers $10,000 a year for up to $20,000 in total toward a graduate degree in HR-related programs… but only if you have a minimum of three years experience already working in HR and at least five years work experience total.
Scholarships are often established for the purposes of supporting a particular class or category of students. Often, these are groups that have traditionally been underrepresented in the field. The Jane M. Klausman Women in Business Scholarship offers between $2,000 and $8,000 to full-time graduate or undergraduate students in business or HR programs… provided those students are female!
There are other groups that you can more easily become a part of that also offer scholarships. Some you may be born into… the International Publication Management Association for Human Resources has a $1,000 scholarship for students who have parents who are members of the association. On the other hand, some require that you not be related to member’s of the granting organization (to prevent any possibility of nepotism), like the Tennessee Labor Management Foundation Scholarship.
Others, you can sign up for. SHRM hands out 22 different scholarship each year for $5,000 each to current members. Many state-level SHRM chapters have their own awards with similar requirements… you can easily become a student-level member to qualify.
But you usually also have to be located in the same state or community, which is another common intrinsic qualification. Many colleges themselves offer scholarships or endowments, but they are, naturally, only available to students enrolled at the school.
Many scholarships also have a requirement that you demonstrate a financial need for the assistance. This will mean providing documentation about your income and savings levels. Depending on your age and tax status, you might also have to provide the same information for your parents.
Examples of your independent effort or achievements in or out of the field can be important to awards committees. The Klausman scholarship noted above, for instance, requires that you have demonstrated initiative, ambition, and commitment to the field in order to be considered. In some cases, you will have to provide evidence of activities or memberships that show these qualities. In others, you’ll be asked to submit an essay or statement of intent.
Whether they are required or not, letters of recommendation can be a big deal when it comes to earning a scholarship. Every applicant things they are amazing and deserve the money. Not all of them can find respectable third parties, such as previous employers, teachers, or professors, who also think so and are willing to write a letter extolling their virtues.
Attendance requirements also fall into this category. Some scholarships may have minimum numbers of classes or credit hours you commit to taking while enrolled and covered by the scholarship. The Gettysburg Area Personnel Association offers scholarships to students in the Adams County area of Pennsylvania for HR-related degrees, but only if they are willing to carry at least a 6 credit per semester course load.
Where Can I Find Scholarship Opportunities for Degrees in HR and HR Management?
First, you should already know that there are many scholarships that you can apply for and receive that have nothing to do with HR. Many universities and other benevolent organizations encourage college attendance in general and offer scholarships that can be applied toward any degree program.
The university financial aid office should be your first stop regardless of where you plan to search for scholarships. They’ll have more ideas and more resources than you could accumulate on your own, and they’ll be able to assist you in compiling the submission materials for your applications.
Second, you should look outside the field of HR specifically. There are many, many business-oriented scholarships that are not exclusive to human resources but that include HR degrees as part of what they will fund. By going broad, you will find many more options than if you stick to HR scholarships exclusively.
There are three major sources of HR scholarships for both graduates and undergraduates.
Business and Industry
No one needs human resources more than private enterprises, and many of them have founded endowments to encourage better training and more qualified graduates in the field.
Lucerna, a company that runs a website promoting HR Information Systems software, also has a $1,000 scholarship available to HR students. Oracle, Payscale, Wells Fargo… all offer some type of scholarship, sometimes in cooperation with non-profits (Oracle teams up with the United Negro College Fund for its award, for instance), aimed at HR or business students.
In general, business scholarships have fewer hooks and criteria than other sources of scholarship funds. On the other hand, they also tend to be relatively small and, because they are often national, may have a lot of competition when you apply.
Trade Groups and Associations
As noted above, SHRM is a major provider of scholarships for graduates and undergraduates at both the national and state chapter levels. But it’s worth checking out all types of HR and business trade associations and interest groups, no matter how small or specialized.
The National Forum for Black Public Administrators, for example, has a $2,500 award, the Walter Vaughn Excellence in Human Resources Scholarship, distributed annually to HR students who are black and preferably attending a historically black college or university.
Colleges and Universities
Some colleges and universities offer their own HR or business scholarship programs. Champlain College, in Vermont, administers the Owen H. Becker Endowment Fund for HR students attending that institution. And Central Connecticut University has a human resources scholarship to support students with a minimum of 30 credits that is awarded on the basis of an essay.
Because you are only competing against other students at the same institution, you have better odds of gaining these awards. But they are often smaller and are not handed out in great numbers than big national endowments.
HR and HRM Scholarships for Degree Programs in Your State
Choose A State To View Human Resources Scholarships
- Alabama
- Alaska
- Arizona
- Arkansas
- California
- Colorado
- Connecticut
- Delaware
- District of Columbia
- Florida
- Georgia
- Hawaii
- Idaho
- Illinois
- Indiana
- Iowa
- Kansas
- Kentucky
- Louisiana
- Maine
- Maryland
- Massachusetts
- Michigan
- Minnesota
- Mississippi
- Missouri
- Montana
- Nebraska
- Nevada
- New Hampshire
- New Jersey
- New Mexico
- New York
- North Carolina
- North Dakota
- Ohio
- Oklahoma
- Oregon
- Pennsylvania
- Rhode Island
- South Carolina
- South Dakota
- Tennessee
- Texas
- Utah
- Vermont
- Virginia
- Washington
- West Virginia
- Wisconsin
- Wyoming
Mobile Society for Human Resource Management Endowed Scholarship/University of South Alabama
Benefit: $1500
- Must be a full-time junior or senior undergraduate majoring in human resources at University of South Alabama
- Must have an overall 3.0 GPA and a major 3.0 GPA
- Must agree to attend the annual Mitchell College of Business Scholars Dinner
Other details:
- Application deadline: Jan 31
Minnie C. Miles Human Resources Management Endowed Graduate Scholarship – University of Alabama
Benefit: varies
- Must be a full time graduate student at University of Alabama-Tuscaloosa majoring in human resources management
Other details:
- Application deadline: Feb 15
Alaska Society for Human Resource Management State Council Student Scholarship
Benefit: $500
- Must be at least a junior undergraduate student or a newly admitted/already matriculated graduate student in human resources program at an accredited college/university
- Must have a 3.0 GPA (undergrad) or 3.3 GPA (grad)
- Must have been a national SHRM member for four months prior to scholarship application
- Must submit essay
- Must submit two letters of recommendation
Other details:
- Application deadline: Nov 1
Associated General Contractors of Alaska, Inc. (AGC) Scholarship
Benefit: varies
- Must plan to enter the human resources field and live and work in Alaska after graduation (among other supportive fields of the construction industry)
- Must be an undergraduate or graduate student in human resources (among other select fields)
- Must submit essay
- Must submit two letters of recommendation
- Must be a U.S. citizen/permanent resident
- Must be a resident of Alaska
Other details:
- Application deadline: March 30
National Indian Gaming Association Spirit of Sovereignty Scholarship
Benefit: varies
- Must be an undergraduate or graduate HR major
- Must be attending a participating tribal college (see list) in 16 states
DeVry University Business Edge Scholarship
Benefit: $1000
- Must be entering a Management program in Human Resources at the undergraduate or graduate level at DeVry University
- Must have high GPA
National Indian Gaming Association Spirit of Sovereignty Scholarship
Benefit: varies
- Must be an undergraduate or graduate HR major
- Must be attending a participating tribal college (see list) in 16 states
W.P. Carey School of Business General Scholarship/Arizona State University
Benefit: varies
- Must be accepted into/enrolled in the undergraduate human resources program at W.P. Carey School of Business at ASU
Wells Fargo Scholars in Business Scholarship/Arizona State University
Benefit: $3500
- Must be accepted into/enrolled in the undergraduate human resources program at W.P. Carey School of Business at ASU
- Must have a 3.0 GPA
- Must be an Arizona resident
- Must demonstrate financial need
- Preference given to first generation college students
Other details:
- Application deadline: March 7
J.C. Cote Scholarship/Arkansas SHRM State Council
Benefit: $1000
- Must be at least a junior undergraduate or graduate college student in human resources at an accredited Arkansas school
- Must have demonstrated scholastic achievement and a commitment to a career in human resources
- Must have a 3.0 GPA (undergrad) or 3.5 GPA (grad)
- If graduate student, must be a member of a SHRM student chapter or of SHRM national
Other details:
- Application deadline: March 16
West Central Arkansas Society for Human Resource Management (WCASHRM) Scholarship
Benefit: $500
- Must be a junior/senior undergraduate or graduate student in a human resources program at an accredited school in West Central Arkansas region (includes the counties of Montgomery, Pike, Clark, Hot Spring and Garland)
- If not enrolled at a West Central Arkansas school, must be a West Central Arkansas resident
- Must have a 3.0 GPA
Other details:
- Application deadline: May 1
DeVry University Business Edge Scholarship
Benefit: $1000
- Must be entering a Management program in Human Resources at the undergraduate or graduate level at DeVry University
- Must have high GPA
Human Resources Association of the Central Coast (HRCC) Student Scholarship Award
Benefit: $1000
- Must be an undergraduate or graduate or a certification student in a human resources program at an accredited school
- Must have a 3.0 GPA in major, 2.75 GPA overall
- Must have completed at least two human resources courses
- Must be an HRCC member or be recommended by an HRCC member
- Must submit essay
Other details:
- Application deadline: May 25 for spring, Oct 26 for fall
Benefit: varies
- Must be the child or grandchild of a CCSHRM member
- Must be enrolled full-time as an undergraduate or graduate
- Priority given to applicants in first or second year of program
Other details:
- Application deadline: March 16
Business-Bachelor’s Degree Scholarship/California State University Long Beach
Benefit: $1000
- Must be an undergraduate human resource management major at CSU Long Beach
Other details:
- Application deadline: April 1
Colorado Healthcare Association for Human Resource Management (CHAHRM) Scholarship
Benefit: $1000
- Must be pursuing an undergraduate or graduate degree or certification in a human resources field
- Must be a Colorado resident
Colorado Springs Human Resources Association Training Scholarship
Benefit: $500
- Must be in an undergraduate or graduate human resources certificate/degree program
- Must be an active CSHRA member
Other details:
- Application deadline: Oct 1
DeVry University Business Edge Scholarship
Benefit: $1000
- Must be entering a Management program in Human Resources at the undergraduate or graduate level at DeVry University
- Must have high GPA
Human Resources Leadership Association of Eastern Connecticut Scholarship
Benefit: varies
- Must be pursuing an undergraduate or graduate human resources degree in Connecticut
- Must be an active HRLA member
Other details:
- Application deadline: April 1
New England Employee Benefits Council Scholarship Program
Benefit: $1000 to $5000
- Must be an undergraduate or graduate HR student at a college/university in ME, MA, NH, RI, CT or VT
- Must be a U.S. citizen
- Must have a 3.0 GPA
- Must be a resident of CT, MA, ME, NH, RI or VT
Other details:
- Application deadline: April 1
Owen H. Becker Endowment Fund/Champlain College
Benefit: varies
- Must be a student majoring in HR at Champlain College
- Preference given to students from CT and VT
- Must demonstrate financial need
Central Connecticut State University Human Resources Scholarship
Benefit: varies
- Must be an undergraduate human resources major at Central Connecticut State University
- Must have completed at least 30 credits
- Must have a 3.0 GPA
- Must submit essay
Other details:
- Application deadline: Jan 28
Human Resources Association of Central Connecticut (HRACCC) Jim Roberts Scholarship
Benefit: varies
- Must be a full-time undergraduate human resources student
- Must submit two letters of recommendation
- Must submit essay/statement of interest
Other details:
- Application deadline: June 30
Fred Foulkes Scholarship for Academic Excellence/Northeast Human Resources Association
Benefit: $5000
- Must be a full-time graduate human resources student at an accredited New England school
Delaware Association of Educational Office Professionals Member Scholarship
Benefit: varies
- Must be a current member of DAEOP and must have been a member for three years prior to application
- Must be enrolled in an undergraduate or graduate human resources degree program
Other details:
- Application deadline: Sept 14
Delaware Society for Human Resource Management HR Student Scholarship Award
Benefit: $2500
- Must be an undergraduate or graduate HR-related student enrolled at an accredited school in Delaware
- If not attending a school in Delaware, must be a Delaware resident
- Must have a 3.0 GPA (undergraduate) or 3.5 GPA (graduate)
- Must agree to promote DESHRM activities/assist with special project
- Must agree to volunteer at 2018 DESHRM conference
- Must agree to become a DESHRM member after graduation
- Must submit video with application
Other details:
- Application deadline: Sept 14
Ranzy Gammal Memorial Scholarship/Project Management Institute Educational Foundation
Benefit: $1500
- Must be applying to/enrolled in an accredited undergraduate or graduate degree program in human resources (among other fields that relate to project management)
- Must reside in the Hampton Roads, VA area, especially the following counties or cities: York, Williamsburg, Virginia Beach, Suffolk, Portsmouth, Poquoson, Northampton, Norfolk, Newport News, Isle of Wight, Hampton, Chesapeake, Accomack; as well as zip codes in North Carolina beginning with 279
- Second preference given to applicants residing anywhere in state of VA
- Third preference given to applicants residing in the mid-Atlantic region including DC, VA, WV, NY, PA, NJ, MD and DE
Other details:
- Application deadline: May 1
Kent County Association for Family and Community Education Scholarship
Benefit: $300
- Must be a Kent County resident
- Must be planning to enroll in an undergraduate program in human resources at University of Delaware, Delaware State University, Delaware Technical Community College, Wesley College or Wilmington University
Other details:
- Application deadline: June 1
Benefit: varies
- Must be an undergraduate human resources major at University of Delaware
District of Columbia
District of Columbia District Leadership Program Paid Internship
Benefit: paid summer or school year internship at DC Human Resources
- Must be a junior or senior undergraduate or graduate student enrolled in a human resource program at a U.S. college/university
- Must have a 2.5 GPA
- Must be a U.S. citizen/permanent resident
- Preference given to residents of District of Columbia
- Preference given to graduates of a DC high school
Ranzy Gammal Memorial Scholarship/Project Management Institute Educational Foundation
Benefit: $1500
- Must be applying to/enrolled in an accredited undergraduate or graduate degree program in human resources (among other fields that relate to project management)
- Must reside in the Hampton Roads, VA area, especially the following counties or cities: York, Williamsburg, Virginia Beach, Suffolk, Portsmouth, Poquoson, Northampton, Norfolk, Newport News, Isle of Wight, Hampton, Chesapeake, Accomack; as well as zip codes in North Carolina beginning with 279
- Second preference given to applicants residing anywhere in state of VA
- Third preference given to applicants residing in the mid-Atlantic region including DC, VA, WV, NY, PA, NJ, MD and DE
Other details:
- Application deadline: May 1
Human Resource Leadership Students Scholarship and Awards of Greater Washington
Benefits: Up to $3000
- Must be an undergraduate or graduate student pursuing a career in the HR field
Training Officers Consortium Mike Halus Scholarship
Benefit: $1000
- Must be a District of Columbia high school senior interested in earning a college degree in human resource development
- Must submit two references
- Must submit essay
DeVry University Business Edge Scholarship
Benefit: $1000
- Must be entering a Management program in Human Resources at the undergraduate or graduate level at DeVry University
- Must have high GPA
Florida Public Human Resources Association Scholarship
Benefit: $500 to $2000
- Must be in an undergraduate or graduate human resources degree program in Florida
Other details:
- Application deadline: April 1
Space Coast Human Resource Association of Florida, Inc. Scholarship
Benefit: $1000
- Must be enrolled part- or full-time in an undergraduate or graduate human resource degree program
- Must reside in Brevard County
- Must have a 3.0 GPA
- Must submit essay
Other details:
- Application deadline: July 21
Florida Keys Society for Human Resources Management
Benefit: $1000
- Must be a graduating senior in Florida Keys SHRM area
- Must be seeking an undergraduate degree in human resources
- Must submit essay
- Must submit letter of recommendation
Florida International University Advisory Board Scholarship/MS in Human Resource Management Program
Benefit: $7500
- Must be enrolled in the face-to-face or online MSHRM program at FIU
- Must have a 3.0 GPA (undergrad)
- Must be a current employee with an organization that is a member of the FIU MSHRM Advisory Board
- Must have one year of work experience in human resources
- Must submit essay
Other details:
- Application deadline: July 16
Florida International University Book Scholarship/MS in Human Resource Management Program
Benefit: $1000
- Must be enrolled in the face-to-face or online MSHRM program at FIU
- Must demonstrate active participation in classroom discussions or leadership role
- Preference given to applicants with financial need
- Must submit essay
Other details:
- Application deadline: July 16
Florida International University Alumni Scholarship/MS in Human Resource Management Program
Benefit: $7500
- Must be enrolled in the face-to-face or online MSHRM program at FIU
- Must have a 3.0 GPA (undergrad)
- Must be an alumnus of an undergraduate program at FIU
- Must have one year of experience in human resources OR an undergraduate degree in human resources
- Must submit essay
Other details:
- Application deadline: July 16
Benefit: $3500
- Must be admitted to the FIU MSHRM online program
- Must have a 3.25 GPA in upper-division undergraduate coursework
Other details:
- Application deadline: July 16
Benefit: $7500
- Must be enrolled in the face-to-face or online MSHRM program at FIU
- Must have a 3.0 GPA (undergrad)
- Must be a current state or municipal employee (outside of higher education)
- Must submit essay
Other details:
- Application deadline: July 16
State of Florida Alumni Scholarship/Florida International University MS in Human Resource Management Program
Benefit: $7500
- Must be enrolled in the face-to-face or online MSHRM program at FIU
- Must have a 3.0 GPA (undergrad)
- Must be an alumnus of one of these Florida colleges with a bachelor’s degree: University of South Florida, University of Florida, University of Central Florida, Miami-Dade College, Florida State University, Florida Atlantic University, Broward College
- Must have one year of professional experience in human resources
- Must submit essay
Other details:
- Application deadline: July 16
DeVry University Business Edge Scholarship
Benefit: $1000
- Must be entering a Management program in Human Resources at the undergraduate or graduate level at DeVry University
- Must have high GPA
Golden Isles SHRM Scholarship/College of Coastal Georgia
Benefit: varies
- Must be a full-time undergraduate junior or senior pursuing the BBA degree in human resources at College of Coastal Georgia
- Must have a 2.9 GPA
- Preference given to students with interest in career path in human resource management
Human Resources Management Scholarship/Georgia Southwestern State University
Benefit: $1000
- Must be an undergraduate human resource management major at GSW
- Must have taken 18 hours of upper division business classes
- Must have a 2.75 GPA
Other details:
- Application deadline: Feb 28
Fukunaga Scholarship Foundation
Benefit: $4000
- Must be a Hawaii resident
- Must be pursuing a business administration/human resources degree at an accredited school
Other details:
- Application deadline: Feb 19
Benefit: varies
- Must be an incoming/freshman/transfer student in the CTAHR at University of Hawaii Manoa
- Must be a first-generation college student
Other details:
- Application deadline: March 1
Benefit: $5000
- Must be an incoming/freshman student in the CTAHR at University of Hawaii Manoa
- Must have a 3.5 GPA
- Must have a combined SAT score of 1300 or composite ACT score of 27
Other details:
- Application deadline: March 1
Benefit: $4000
- Must be an incoming/freshman/transfer student in the CTAHR at University of Hawaii Manoa
- Must be of Native Hawaiian ancestry
Other details:
- Application deadline: March 1
Benefit: varies
- Must be an incoming/freshman/transfer student in the CTAHR at University of Hawaii Manoa
Other details:
- Application deadline: March 1
John L. Bobell Jr. Memorial Scholarship/Idaho State University
Benefit: varies
- Must be a full-time or part-time undergraduate or graduate major in human resource training and development at Idaho State University
- Must have a 2.0 GPA (undergrad) or 3.0 GPA (grad)
Other details:
- Application deadline: April 9
Carl Durfee Memorial Scholarship/Idaho State University
Benefit: varies
- Must be a full-time undergraduate or graduate major in human resource training and development at Idaho State University
- Must have a 2.0 GPA (undergrad) or 3.0 GPA (grad)
- Must demonstrate financial need
Other details:
- Application deadline: April 9
National Indian Gaming Association Spirit of Sovereignty Scholarship
Benefit: varies
- Must be an undergraduate or graduate HR major
- Must be attending a participating tribal college (see list) in 16 states
Intermountain Gas/MDU Resources Scholarship/Idaho State University
Benefit: $1000
- Must be at least a sophomore undergraduate major in human resources at Idaho State University
- Must have a 3.0 GPA
- Must be a U.S. citizen
- Must be an Idaho resident living in the Intermountain Gas Service area
- Preference given to students who are dependents of Intermountain Gas employees
Other details:
- Application deadline: Aug 1
DeVry University Business Edge Scholarship
Benefit: $1000
- Must be entering a Management program in Human Resources at the undergraduate or graduate level at DeVry University
- Must have high GPA
Loyola University Chicago Quinlan School of Business Dean’s Merit Scholarship
Benefit: varies
- Must be an undergraduate or graduate student in a human resources program at Quinlan School of Business at Loyola University Chicago
- Must have high GPA
- Must have high SAT or GMAT scores
Other details:
- All new applicants to Quinlan School of Business are automatically considered for this scholarship – no separate application is required
Central Illinois Human Resources Group Scholarship
Benefit: varies
- Must be a graduating senior
- Must completed the Operation Hope program
- Must submit two letters of recommendation
- Must be registered in an undergraduate degree program for upcoming year
- Preference given to applicants seeking a human resources degree
Country Financial Scholarship/Western Illinois University
Benefit: $2000
- Must be at least a junior undergraduate human resources management major at WIU
- Must have a 3.0 GPA
- Preference given to applicants with financial need
Other details:
- Application deadline: March 26
Illinois State University, Outstanding Junior/Senior in Human Resource Management
Benefits: Varies
- Must be a junior or senior undergraduate human resources management student at Illinois State University
- Must show outstanding academic performance
- Must submit resume
MRA – The Management Association, Excellence in Human Resources Scholarship
Benefits: varies
- Must be an undergraduate junior or senior in an HR degree program in Illinois, Iowa, Minnesota or Wisconsin
Other details:
- Application deadline: April 30
Loyola University Chicago Quinlan School of Business Graduate Business Student Scholarship
Benefit: $1000 to $10,000
- Must be a graduate human resources student at the Quinlan School of Business at Loyola University Chicago
- Must have proven academic success
- Must demonstrate financial need
DeVry University Business Edge Scholarship
Benefit: $1000
- Must be entering a Management program in Human Resources at the undergraduate or graduate level at DeVry University
- Must have high GPA
Paul W. Guy Memorial Scholarship/Indiana Society of Healthcare Human Resources Administration
Benefit: $1000
- Must be a full- or part-time junior or senior undergraduate or graduate student majoring in human resources management in an accredited Indiana school
- Must be an Indiana resident
Kosciuski Human Resource Association Academic Scholarship
Benefit: $1000
- Must be a full-time junior or senior undergraduate studying human resources, or a current KHRA member pursuing an undergraduate or graduate degree in human resource management
- Must have a 3.0 GPA
Other details:
- Application deadline: May 1
Western Governors University Society for Human Resource Management Scholarships
Benefit: full tuition or $2000
- Must be a member of SHRM
- Must be admitted to a WGU bachelor’s or master’s degree program in human resource management/business field
Other details:
- Application deadline: March 31
Woodrow Wilson MBA Fellowship in Education Leadership
Benefit: $50,000
- Must be enrolled in an MBA program with a HR concentration at a designated campus in participating states (include Indiana, New Mexico, Wisconsin)
- Must be nominated by a local education leader or colleague
- Must commit to serve for three years in approved school/district leadership position in your state
Business Department Scholarship-Mount Mercy University
Benefit: $1000
- Must be an incoming full-time freshman accepted into the HR management program at Mount Mercy University
- Must have a 3.25 high school GPA
MRA – The Management Association, Excellence in Human Resources Scholarship
Benefits: varies
- Must be an undergraduate junior or senior in an HR degree program in Illinois, Iowa, Minnesota or Wisconsin
Other details:
- Application deadline: April 30
Virden Memorial Scholarship in Human Resource Management/University of Northern Iowa
Benefit: $250 to $500
- Must be a HR student at UNI
- Must be a member of the UNI chapter of SHRM or of the Cedar Valley SHRM
Other details:
- Application deadline: March 25
Benefits: Varies
- Must be accepted into/enrolled in a part-time or full-time two- or four-year Kansas school for a human resources program in healthcare
- Must demonstrate financial need
- Must show a clear interest in improving patient care in Kansas
- Preference given to current hospital employees, particularly those working in hospital with 25 or fewer acute care beds
Other details:
- Application deadline: March 31
National Indian Gaming Association Spirit of Sovereignty Scholarship
Benefit: varies
- Must be an undergraduate or graduate HR major
- Must be attending a participating tribal college (see list) in 16 states
Vanier Family Business Administration Best of Kansas Scholarship/Kansas State University
Benefit: $20,000
- Must be an incoming freshman in the College of Business at KSU
- Must have a 32 ACT score or 1400 SAT score
- Must have a 3.85 high school GPA
- Must display leadership skills
- Must be a Kansas high school senior/graduate
Other details:
- Application deadline: Nov 30
Benefit: $500
- Must be a sophomore undergraduate or graduate student majoring in human resources management at EKU
- Must have a 3.0 GPA
- Must submit two letters of recommendation
Louisville Society for Human Resource Management Scholarship/Bellarmine University
Benefit: varies
- Must be an undergraduate psychology major with a concentration in human resources at Bellarmine University
- Must be a student member of Louisville SHRM
Benefit: $1000
- Must be a full-time undergraduate or graduate human resource student at Louisiana State University
- Must have a 3.5 GPA
Other details:
- Application deadline: May 2
Benefit: $1000
- Must be a full-time undergraduate or graduate human resource student at Louisiana State University
- Must have a 3.5 GPA
Other details:
- Application deadline: May 2
Northeast Louisiana Society for Human Resource Management Scholarship/University of Louisiana at Monroe
Benefits: Varies
- Must be a full- or part-time student pursuing an undergraduate degree in the accredited business program at the University of Louisiana at Monroe
- Must possess a minimum 2.5 GPA
- Preference is given to students who have family members in the Northeast Louisiana Society for Human Resource Management
Other details:
- Application deadline: Feb 28
Benefit: $750
- Must be a full-time graduate student in the School of Leadership and Human Resource Development at Louisiana State University
- Must have a 3.5 GPA on undergraduate or graduate coursework
Other details:
- Application deadline: May 2
Human Resources Association of Southern Maine (HRASM) Scholarship
Benefit: $1000
- Must be enrolled in an undergraduate or graduate or certification HR-related program
- Must be a current HRASM member
- Must be employed in/pursuing employment in the HR profession
- Must demonstrate financial need
New England Employee Benefits Council Scholarship Program
Benefit: $1000 to $5000
- Must be an undergraduate or graduate HR student at a college/university in ME, MA, NH, RI, CT or VT
- Must be a U.S. citizen
- Must have a 3.0 GPA
- Must be a resident of CT, MA, ME, NH, RI or VT
Other details:
- Application deadline: April 1
University of Louisiana at Monroe/David Robertson Personnel & Human Resources Scholarship
Benefit: varies
- Must be an undergraduate human resources major at University of Louisiana at Monroe
Fred Foulkes Scholarship for Academic Excellence/Northeast Human Resources Association
Benefit: $5000
- Must be a full-time graduate human resources student at an accredited New England school
Anne Arundel SHRM Student Scholarship
Benefit: $1000
- Must be an undergraduate or graduate HR student
- Must be a SHRM member
Chesapeake Human Resources Association (CHRA) Student Chapter Scholarship Award Program
Benefit: $1000
- Must be a full- or part-time undergraduate or graduate HR student
- Must be a CHRA member
Other details:
- Application deadline: April 1
Ranzy Gammal Memorial Scholarship/Project Management Institute Educational Foundation
Benefit: $1500
- Must be applying to/enrolled in an accredited undergraduate or graduate degree program in human resources (among other fields that relate to project management)
- Must reside in the Hampton Roads, VA area, especially the following counties or cities: York, Williamsburg, Virginia Beach, Suffolk, Portsmouth, Poquoson, Northampton, Norfolk, Newport News, Isle of Wight, Hampton, Chesapeake, Accomack; as well as zip codes in North Carolina beginning with 279
- Second preference given to applicants residing anywhere in state of VA
- Third preference given to applicants residing in the mid-Atlantic region including DC, VA, WV, NY, PA, NJ, MD and DE
Other details:
- Application deadline: May 1
New England Employee Benefits Council Scholarship Program
Benefit: $1000 to $5000
- Must be an undergraduate or graduate HR student at a college/university in ME, MA, NH, RI, CT or VT
- Must be a U.S. citizen
- Must have a 3.0 GPA
- Must be a resident of CT, MA, ME, NH, RI or VT
Other details:
- Application deadline: April 1
Cape Cod Human Resources Association, Cape Cod Community College Business Student Scholarship
Benefit: $500
- Must be a Cape Cod resident attending a Cape Cod community college as a full-time student in a business degree program
- Must have a 3.5 GPA
- Must plan to pursue a career in human resource management
David K. Weaver Human Resources Scholarship/UMass Amherst
Benefit: $1000
- Must be a full-time undergraduate human resources student at UMass Amherst
- Must have a 3.0 GPA
- Must be a Massachusetts resident
Brightwood/NECB Alumni Scholarship/New England College of Business
Benefit: varies
- Must be a graduate of Brightwood College
- Must be a new MBA-Human Resources student at NECB
Fred Foulkes Scholarship for Academic Excellence/Northeast Human Resources Association
Benefit: $5000
- Must be a full-time graduate human resources student at an accredited New England school
NECB Alumni Scholarship/New England College of Business
Benefit: varies
- Must be a graduate of NECB
- Must be a new MBA-Human Resources student at NECB
Virginia College/NECB Alumni Scholarship/New England College of Business
Benefit: varies
- Must be a graduate of Virginia College
- Must be a new MBA-Human Resources student at NECB
National Indian Gaming Association Spirit of Sovereignty Scholarship
Benefit: varies
- Must be an undergraduate or graduate HR major
- Must be attending a participating tribal college (see list) in 16 states
Barbara and Allen Gough Endowed Scholarship/Oakland University
Benefit: $8500
- Must be an undergraduate student at Oakland University majoring in human resource development
- Must have a 3.0 GPA
- Must have previously had your studies interrupted for two or more years
Kench Scholarship/Central Michigan University
Benefit: varies
- Must be a junior or senior undergraduate human resources student at CMU
- Must be a Michigan resident
- Must have a 2.75 GPA
Graduate Human Resources Fund for Scholars/Eastern Michigan University
Benefit: varies
- Must be a graduate human resources student at EMU
Healthcare Human Resources Association of Minnesota Scholarship
Benefit: $1000
- Must be a member of HHRAM or a dependent of a HHRAM member
- Must have completed at least two years of an undergraduate program (graduate students may also apply)
- Must have a 2.5 GPA
National Indian Gaming Association Spirit of Sovereignty Scholarship
Benefit: varies
- Must be an undergraduate or graduate HR major
- Must be attending a participating tribal college (see list) in 16 states
Twin Cities Society for Human Resource Management (TCSHRM) Student Scholarship
Benefit: $2000
- Must be a student member of the TCSHRM
- Must be an undergraduate or graduate human resources student at an accredited school
Dr. Joseph H. Fogen Scholarship/Winona State University
Benefit: varies
- Must be a full-time junior (by fall) undergraduate student at Winona State University majoring in human resources management (among other College of Business majors that qualify)
- Must have a 3.5 GPA
Michael Garvey Scholarship/Winona State University
Benefit: varies
- Must be a full-time human resources management student at Winona State University
- Must be at least a senior by fall
- Must have a 3.0 GPA
Helen B. Imm Scholarship/Winona State University
Benefit: varies
- Must be a full-time undergraduate student at Winona State University majoring in human resources management (among other College of Business majors that qualify)
- Must have earned at least 13 credits in the College of Business
- Must have a 3.25 GPA
Kujak Transport, Inc. Scholarship/Winona State University
Benefit: varies
- Must be a full-time undergraduate student at Winona State University majoring in human resources management (among other College of Business majors that qualify)
- Must have a 2.5 GPA
MRA – The Management Association, Excellence in Human Resources Scholarship
Benefit: varies
- Must be an undergraduate junior or senior in an HR degree program in Illinois, Iowa, Minnesota or Wisconsin
Other details:
- Application deadline: April 30
Jim and Caron Nissen College of Business Scholarship/Winona State University
Benefit: varies
- Must be a full-time junior or senior undergraduate student at Winona State University majoring in human resources management (among other College of Business majors that qualify)
- Must have a 3.0 GPA
- Must be from Minnesota
- Must demonstrate financial need
Benefit: varies
- Must be an undergraduate or graduate student in HR at University of Mississippi
- Must demonstrate financial need
- Must have 3.0 GPA
Benefit: varies
- Must be a full-time MBA student at Delta State University and have declared human resources management as an area of emphasis
- Must have a 3.2 GPA
- Must have demonstrated academic and leadership abilities
DeVry University Business Edge Scholarship
Benefit: $1000
- Must be entering a Management program in Human Resources at the undergraduate or graduate level at DeVry University
- Must have high GPA
Springfield Area Human Resources Association (SAHRA) Student Achievement Scholarship
Benefit: $1000
- Must be a full-time undergraduate or graduate human resources management student
- Must have a 3.0 GPA
- Must show leadership and character through professional and extracurricular activities
- Preference given to applicants who are student members of SAHRA or SHRM
Other details:
- Application deadline: May 4
Western Governors University Society for Human Resource Management Scholarships
Benefit: full tuition or $2000
- Must be a member of SHRM
- Must be admitted to a WGU bachelor’s or master’s degree program in human resource management/business field
Other details:
- Application deadline: March 31
Abraham-Miller Scholarship/Missouri State University
Benefit: $250
- Must be a student at Missouri State who has demonstrated an interest in human resources management
- Must be a SHRM member
- Must demonstrate financial need
- Must be involved in campus activities
Other details:
- Application deadline: March 1
CAPA Endowed Scholarship in Human Resources/Southeast Missouri State University
Benefit: $5000 to $10,000
- Must be an undergraduate HR major or minor at Southeast Missouri State University
- Must be a current CAPA member or HR Redhawk member of the local student SHRM chapter
- Must have a 3.0 GPA
- Second preference -If not a student at Southeast Missouri State University, must still be a CAPA or HR Redhawk member and have a 2.0 GPA
- Third preference given to HR major or minor at Southeast Missouri State University who is not a CAPA or HR Redhawk member
Peggy Gates SHRM of Southeast Missouri Scholarship
Benefit: $500
- Must be a resident of Southeast Missouri including the following counties: Stoddard, Scott, Pemiscot, New Madrid, Mississippi, Dunklin, Cape, Butler
- Must be an undergraduate junior or senior pursuing a degree in Human Resources
Other details:
- Application deadline: June 1
Society for Human Resources Management Scholarship/Missouri State University
Benefit: $250
- Must be a member of the Missouri State University Chapter of SHRM
- Must have a 2.75 GPA
- Must demonstrate financial need
Other details:
- Application deadline: March 1
National Indian Gaming Association Spirit of Sovereignty Scholarship
Benefit: varies
- Must be an undergraduate or graduate HR major
- Must be attending a participating tribal college (see list) in 16 states
bhsu.edu Montana-Dakota Utilities Scholarship/Black Hills State University
Benefit: varies
- Must be a full-time undergraduate student in human resources management (among other select majors) at Black Hills State University
- Must come from a community served by Montana-Dakota Utilities
Columbus Area Human Resource Association Scholarship
Benefit: $500
- Must be an undergraduate or graduate student in human resources at a Nebraska school
National Indian Gaming Association Spirit of Sovereignty Scholarship
Benefit: varies
- Must be an undergraduate or graduate HR major
- Must be attending a participating tribal college (see list) in 16 states
Western Nebraska Human Resources Management Association Scholarship
Benefit: $500
- Must be an undergraduate or graduate student at a school in Nebraska
- Preference given to a student studying human resources management
Other details:
- Application deadline: March 24
T-L Irrigation/Thorn Business Scholarship/Hastings College
Benefit: $1000 to $3000
- Must be an incoming undergraduate business major (includes human resource management) at Hastings College
Other details:
- Application deadline: Dec 1 (fall) and March 19 (spring)
DeVry University Business Edge Scholarship
Benefit: $1000
- Must be entering a Management program in Human Resources at the undergraduate or graduate level at DeVry University
- Must have high GPA
Western Governors University Society for Human Resource Management Scholarships
Benefit: full tuition or $2000
- Must be a member of SHRM
- Must be admitted to a WGU bachelor’s or master’s degree program in human resource management/business field
Other details:
- Application deadline: March 31
New Hampshire
Manchester Area Human Resources Association, Assurance of Learning Assessment Scholarship
Benefit: Varies
- Must be an undergraduate or graduate HR student in New Hampshire
- Must meet all SHRM requirements to take exam
- Must be an active and participating MAHRA member
- Must be graduating within 6 months of the scholarship year
New England Employee Benefits Council Scholarship Program
Benefit: $1000 to $5000
- Must be an undergraduate or graduate HR student at a college/university in ME, MA, NH, RI, CT or VT
- Must be a U.S. citizen
- Must have a 3.0 GPA
- Must be a resident of CT, MA, ME, NH, RI or VT
Other details:
- Application deadline: April 1
Future Business Leaders of America Scholarship/Southern New Hampshire University
Benefit: $1000
- Must be a member of FBLA and a graduating high school senior
- Must apply to and be accepted to the undergrad HR certificate program at SNHU
Fred Foulkes Scholarship for Academic Excellence/Northeast Human Resources Association
Benefit: $5000
- Must be a full-time graduate human resources student at an accredited New England school
New Jersey
DeVry University Business Edge Scholarship
Benefit: $1000
- Must be entering a Management program in Human Resources at the undergraduate or graduate level at DeVry University
- Must have high GPA
Ann C. Edwards, SPHR Scholarship for Dependents /Jersey Shore Association for Human Resources
Benefit: $1000
- Must be the dependent of a JSAHR member and enrolled in an undergraduate or graduate college program
Ann C. Edwards, SPHR Scholarship for Members/Jersey Shore Association for Human Resources
Benefit: $500
- Must be a JSAHR member and be enrolled in an undergraduate or graduate HR -related college program
Ranzy Gammal Memorial Scholarship/Project Management Institute Educational Foundation
Benefit: $1500
- Must be applying to/enrolled in an accredited undergraduate or graduate degree program in human resources (among other fields that relate to project management)
- Must reside in the Hampton Roads, VA area, especially the following counties or cities: York, Williamsburg, Virginia Beach, Suffolk, Portsmouth, Poquoson, Northampton, Norfolk, Newport News, Isle of Wight, Hampton, Chesapeake, Accomack; as well as zip codes in North Carolina beginning with 279
- Second preference given to applicants residing anywhere in state of VA
- Third preference given to applicants residing in the mid-Atlantic region including DC, VA, WV, NY, PA, NJ, MD and DE
Other details:
- Application deadline: May 1
Human Resource Association of Southern NJ Garden State College Student Scholarship
Benefit: varies
- Must be a NJ resident or attending a NJ college, pursuing an undergraduate or graduate degree in human resources management
- If undergrad, must have completed 60 credit hours and have a 3.0 GPA
- If grad, must have completed 9 credit hours and have a 3.25 GPA
School of Management and Labor Relations Annual Fund Scholarship/Rutgers University
Benefit: varies
- Must be an undergraduate or graduate HRM student at Rutgers University
Human Resource Association of Southern NJ Student Scholarship Award/Cumberland County College
Benefit: $500
- Must be an undergraduate student at CCCC and take human resources courses
- Must have a 3.0 GPA
- Must have 30 credits by end of spring semester (9 of them in HR courses)
- Preference given to student members of HRA
Other details:
- Application deadline: April 15
Benefit: varies
- Must be an undergraduate HRM student at Rutgers University
- Must embody Pam’s legacy of outstanding service to the community
School of Management and Labor Relations Alumni Association Fellowship/Rutgers University
Benefit: varies
- Must be a graduate HRM student in the master’s degree program at Rutgers University
New Mexico
National Indian Gaming Association Spirit of Sovereignty Scholarship
Benefit: varies
- Must be an undergraduate or graduate HR major
- Must be attending a participating tribal college (see list) in 16 states
Benefit: varies
- Must be an undergraduate or graduate HR student at UNM
- Must be an active member of a SHRM student chapter
Other details:
- Application deadline: August 11
Woodrow Wilson MBA Fellowship in Education Leadership
Benefit: $50,000
- Must be enrolled in an MBA program with a HR concentration at a designated campus in participating states (include Indiana, New Mexico, Wisconsin)
- Must be nominated by a local education leader or colleague
- Must commit to serve for three years in approved school/district leadership position in your state
New York
DeVry University Business Edge Scholarship
Benefit: $1000
- Must be entering a Management program in Human Resources at the undergraduate or graduate level at DeVry University
- Must have high GPA
Ranzy Gammal Memorial Scholarship/Project Management Institute Educational Foundation
Benefit: $1500
- Must be applying to/enrolled in an accredited undergraduate or graduate degree program in human resources (among other fields that relate to project management)
- Must reside in the Hampton Roads, VA area, especially the following counties or cities: York, Williamsburg, Virginia Beach, Suffolk, Portsmouth, Poquoson, Northampton, Norfolk, Newport News, Isle of Wight, Hampton, Chesapeake, Accomack; as well as zip codes in North Carolina beginning with 279
- Second preference given to applicants residing anywhere in state of VA
- Third preference given to applicants residing in the mid-Atlantic region including DC, VA, WV, NY, PA, NJ, MD and DE
Other details:
- Application deadline: May 1
Project Management Institute (PMI) New York City Chapter Scholarship
Benefit: $1000
- Must be pursuing an undergraduate degree in human resources (among other select majors related to project management)
- Must be a member of the PMI NYC chapter or immediate family member attending college program in NYC area or anywhere
- Must have 3.0 GPA
Other details:
- Application deadline: May 1
Mayor’s Graduate Scholarship Program/Monroe College/King Graduate School
Benefit: up to 50% tuition reduction
- Must be a newly accepted MBA student in human resources concentration at King Graduate School, Monroe College
- Must have a 3.3 GPA
- Must be a full-time NYC government employee and remain so throughout the scholarship
Other details:
- Application deadline: Aug 31
Mayor’s Graduate Scholarship Program/New York Institute of Technology
Benefit: $3000
- Must be a MS in Human Resources Management and Labor Relations student at NYIT
- Must have a 2.85 undergrad GPA
- Must be a full-time NYC government employee and remain so throughout the scholarship
Other details:
- Application deadline: April 14
Mayor’s Graduate Scholarship Program/New York University
Benefit: $1000 to $7000
- Must be a MS in Human Resources Management and Development at NYU
- Must be a full-time NYC government employee and remain so throughout the scholarship
Other details:
- Application deadline: March 17
Mayor’s Graduate Scholarship Program/Touro College
Benefit: varies
- Must be a MS in Human Resources Management at Touro College
- Must be a full-time NYC government employee and remain so throughout the scholarship
Other details:
- Application deadline: June 1
North Carolina
Charlotte Area Society for Human Resource Management Sons & Daughters Scholarship
Benefit: varies
- Must be the son or daughter of a CASHRM or RCHRA member
- Must be enrolled in an undergraduate or graduate college program
DeVry University Business Edge Scholarship
Benefit: $1000
- Must be entering a Management program in Human Resources at the undergraduate or graduate level at DeVry University
- Must have high GPA
Ranzy Gammal Memorial Scholarship/Project Management Institute Educational Foundation
Benefit: $1500
- Must be applying to/enrolled in an accredited undergraduate or graduate degree program in human resources (among other fields that relate to project management)
- Must reside in the Hampton Roads, VA area, especially the following counties or cities: York, Williamsburg, Virginia Beach, Suffolk, Portsmouth, Poquoson, Northampton, Norfolk, Newport News, Isle of Wight, Hampton, Chesapeake, Accomack; as well as zip codes in North Carolina beginning with 279
- Second preference given to applicants residing anywhere in state of VA
- Third preference given to applicants residing in the mid-Atlantic region including DC, VA, WV, NY, PA, NJ, MD and DE
Other details:
- Application deadline: May 1
Western Governors University Society for Human Resource Management Scholarships
Benefit: full tuition or $2000
- Must be a member of SHRM
- Must be admitted to a WGU bachelor’s or master’s degree program in human resource management/business field
Other details:
- Application deadline: March 31
William B. Leonard Scholarship/North Carolina Society for Human Resource Management
Benefit: $500
- Must be a full-time undergraduate human resources student at a school in North Carolina
- Must be a current SHRM member
- Must submit two letters of recommendation
- Must submit essay
Other details:
- Application deadline: May 31
Lower Cape Fear Human Resources Scholarship/University of North Carolina Wilmington
Benefit: varies
- Must be a full-time undergraduate junior or senior majoring in HR at UNCW
- Must have a 3.0 GPA
Kay Robinson Advancement of the Human Resource Profession Fund/University of North Carolina Wilmington
Benefit: varies
- Must be an undergraduate HR major at UNCW
Jan Sharp Memorial Scholarship/North Carolina Society for Human Resource Management
Benefit: varies
- Must be a full-time undergraduate human resources student at a school in North Carolina
- Must be a current SHRM member
North Dakota
National Indian Gaming Association Spirit of Sovereignty Scholarship
Benefit: varies
- Must be an undergraduate or graduate HR major
- Must be attending a participating tribal college (see list) in 16 states
Cleveland Society for Human Resource Management Student Scholarship
Benefit: $1000
- Must be an active member of the CSHRM
- Must be a current HR professional with two years of experience
- Must be a current full- or part-time undergraduate or graduate student in HR management
- Must demonstrate leadership ability
- Must have a 3.0 GPA
Other details:
- Application deadline: July 15
DeVry University Business Edge Scholarship
Benefit: $1000
- Must be entering a Management program in Human Resources at the undergraduate or graduate level at DeVry University
- Must have high GPA
Human Resources Association of Central Ohio Student Scholarship
Benefit: $2,000
- Must be a full-time undergraduate or graduate student studying HR at a college/university in Central Ohio (or reside in Central Ohio and attend a program online)
- Must have a 3.0 in the major and a 2.75 overall GPA
- Must submit two letters of recommendation
Other details:
- Application deadline: March 16
Northwest Ohio Human Resource Association (NOHRA) Education Award
Benefit: varies
- Must be a full-time undergraduate or graduate human resource student (or part-time undergrad or grad human resource student with full-time employment)
- Must have a 3.0 GPA (undergrad) or 3.5 GPA (grad)
- Must submit essay
- Must demonstrate financial need
- Preference given to applicants who are members of NOHRA
- Prefer applicants who are involved in their university’s student SHRM chapter
Other details:
- Application deadline: April 30
Ohio Bankers League Foundation Scholarship Program
- Must be a U.S. citizen and Ohio resident
- Must be a full-time undergraduate sophomore, junior or senior major in HR
- Must have a 3.0 GPA
- Must demonstrate financial need
- Must be attending an OFIC (Ohio Foundation of Independent Colleges) member college/university
National Indian Gaming Association Spirit of Sovereignty Scholarship
Benefit: varies
- Must be an undergraduate or graduate HR major
- Must be attending a participating tribal college (see list) in 16 states
Oklahoma State Council for Human Resource Management Student Scholarship
Benefit: $1000
- Must be at least a junior undergraduate or graduate student at an Oklahoma school with a HR major
- Must have a 3.0 GPA (undergrad) or 3.5 GPA (grad)
- Must be a member of SHRM student chapter or SHRM national
Other details:
- Application deadline: Jan 1
Dr. Richard Baumgartner Memorial Undergraduate Scholarship/East Central Oklahoma University
Benefit: varies
- Must be a full-time junior or senior undergraduate student in HR at East Central Oklahoma University
- Must have a 3.0 GPA
- Must exhibit leadership qualities
- Must have the potential to make a positive, lasting impact in the HR profession
Briles Scholarship/East Central Oklahoma University
Benefit: varies
- Must be a full-time undergraduate student in HR at East Central Oklahoma University
- Must have a 2.5 GPA
- Must demonstrate financial need
Gillette Conn Scholarship/East Central Oklahoma University
Benefit: varies
- Must be a full-time junior or senior undergraduate student in HR at East Central Oklahoma University
- Must have a 3.0 GPA
Lowell Green Human Resources Scholarship/East Central Oklahoma University
Benefit: varies
- Must be a full-time junior or senior undergraduate student in HR at East Central Oklahoma University
- Must have a 3.0 GPA
- Preference given to student with disability
Higginbotham Family Human Resources Scholarship/East Central Oklahoma University
Benefit: varies
- Must be a full-time student in HR at East Central Oklahoma University
- Must have a 3.0 GPA
- Must have completed at least 75 hours
- Must submit narrative
Dr. Richard Baumgartner Memorial Graduate Scholarship/East Central Oklahoma University
Benefit: varies
- Must be a full-time graduate HR student at East Central Oklahoma University
- Must have completed at least 9 credit hours
- Must have a 3.0 GPA
DCT College of Liberal Arts & Social Sciences Centennial Endowment/East Central Oklahoma University
Benefit: varies
- Must be pursuing a Master of Science in HR at East Central Oklahoma University
- Must have a 3.5 GPA
- Must be enrolled in at least three hours of graduate coursework
- Must demonstrate financial need
Benefit: varies
- Must be pursing a Master of Science in HR at East Central Oklahoma University
- Must have a 3.5 GPA
- Must be enrolled in at least three hours of graduate coursework
- Must demonstrate financial need
Selma Cody Strunk Scholarship/East Central Oklahoma University
Benefit: varies
- Must be a graduate HR student at East Central Oklahoma University
Colonel Tom A. Thomas Scholarship in Human Resources/East Central Oklahoma University
Benefit: varies
- Must be a Master of Science in HR student at East Central Oklahoma University
- Must have completed at least 12 credit hours
- Must have a 3.5 GPA
- Must have leadership qualities
National Indian Gaming Association Spirit of Sovereignty Scholarship
Benefit: varies
- Must be an undergraduate or graduate HR major
- Must be attending a participating tribal college (see list) in 16 states
Oregon SHRM State Council Scholarship Program
Benefit: $500
- Must be a member of Oregon SHRM
- Must be an undergraduate or graduate human resources student
Oregon/SW Washington Chapter-COMTO Scholarship Program
Benefit: $500 to $1000
- Must be a minority student from Oregon or Southwest Washington
- Must be enrolled in a HR program at a 2- or 4-year school
Appalachian Health Care Human Resources Society (AHCHRS) Scholarship Program
Benefits: Varies
- Must be a full- or part-time junior or senior undergraduate or graduate student majoring in HR management/administration or a related field of study
- Must show outstanding academic performance
- Must have work experience in the HR field
- Must demonstrate financial need
- Must reside in the AHCHRS area
Other details:
- Application deadline: April 1
Chester County Human Resources Association Merit Scholarship
Benefit: $1000
- Must be a full-or part-time undergraduate or graduate HR student
- Must submit essay
- Must be a CCHRA member and have attended at least two CCHRA meetings
Other details:
- Application deadline: Feb 23
DeVry University Business Edge Scholarship
Benefit: $1000
- Must be entering a Management program in Human Resources at the undergraduate or graduate level at DeVry University
- Must have high GPA
Ranzy Gammal Memorial Scholarship/Project Management Institute Educational Foundation
Benefit: $1500
- Must be applying to/enrolled in an accredited undergraduate or graduate degree program in human resources (among other fields that relate to project management)
- Must reside in the Hampton Roads, VA area, especially the following counties or cities: York, Williamsburg, Virginia Beach, Suffolk, Portsmouth, Poquoson, Northampton, Norfolk, Newport News, Isle of Wight, Hampton, Chesapeake, Accomack; as well as zip codes in North Carolina beginning with 279
- Second preference given to applicants residing anywhere in state of VA
- Third preference given to applicants residing in the mid-Atlantic region including DC, VA, WV, NY, PA, NJ, MD and DE
Other details:
- Application deadline: May 1
Michael R. Losey Scholarship Award/Greater Valley Forge Human Resources Association
Benefit: $2000 to $3500
- Must be an undergraduate or graduate student majoring in human resources field
- Must be attending a school in the Greater Philadelphia/Valley Forge area
- Must have field work experience
- Must submit essay
Other details:
- Application deadline: Oct 20
Delaware County Community College Henry J. Jackson Memorial Scholarship
Benefit: $250
- Must be enrolled in the undergraduate human resource management program at DCCC
Delaware County Community College Monarch Staffing Scholarship
Benefit: $500
- Must be enrolled in the undergraduate human resource program at DCCC
Gettysburg Area Personnel Association/Harrisburg Area Community College
Benefit: varies
- Must be an incoming freshman/current HACC student majoring in Human Resources/Human Resources Management
- Must have lived in Adams County for past five years
- Must be enrolled in at least 6 credits/semester
- Must submit essay
Hershey Entertainment & Resorts Hospitality Scholarship
Benefit: $1000
- Must be an undergraduate junior or senior human resources student (among other select majors) at a Pennsylvania State System of Higher Education university
- Must be a Pennsylvania resident
- Must have earned at least 60 college credits
- Must have 3.0 GPA
Other details:
- Application deadline: May 19
Rhode Island
Chellel-Peckham Scholarship Program/ RI Council 94 AFSCME AFL-CIO
Benefit: $2500
- Must be an undergraduate or graduate HR student
- Must be a member of RI Council 94 AFSCME
Other details:
- Application deadline: April 30
Benefit: varies
- Must be an undergraduate or graduate student in human resources administration
- Must either be employed in the human resources in healthcare industry or plan to pursue human resource career
- Must show academic merit
- Preference given to applicants with financial need
New England Employee Benefits Council Scholarship Program
Benefit: $1000 to $5000
- Must be an undergraduate or graduate HR student at a college/university in ME, MA, NH, RI, CT or VT
- Must be a U.S. citizen
- Must have a 3.0 GPA
- Must be a resident of CT, MA, ME, NH, RI or VT
Other details:
- Application deadline: April 1
National Contract Management Association of Rhode Island Undergraduate Scholarship
Benefit: $500
- Must be a full-time undergraduate junior or senior student in human resources/business-related area
- Must be U.S. citizen
- Must have a 3.0 GPA
- Must agree to attend at least two NCMA-RI events
Fred Foulkes Scholarship for Academic Excellence/Northeast Human Resources Association
Benefit: $5000
- Must be a full-time graduate human resources student at an accredited New England school
South Carolina
Frank B. Lane Memorial Scholarship- Moore School of Business, University of South Carolina
Benefit: varies
- Must be an undergraduate or graduate HR student at Moore School of Business, USC
Other details:
- Application deadline: Dec 1
Greenville Society for Human Resource Management Walter L. Martin Memorial Scholarship
Benefit: varies
- Must be the dependent child of a GSHRM member (must have been member for at least two years)
- Must be a high school student or already enrolled in undergraduate program
- Must have 2.5 GPA
Other details:
- Application deadline: Dec 1
Kimberly Barth Sherfesee Human Resources Scholarship/Coastal Carolina University
Benefit: varies
- Must be a new or continuing full-time sophomore or higher undergraduate student in HR at Coastal Carolina University
- Must have a 3.0 GPA
- Must reside in Horry or Georgetown County
- Must submit essay
Other details:
- Application deadline: Dec 15
BMW Fellowship-Moore School of Business, University of South Carolina
Benefit: varies
- Must be a graduate human resources student at Moore School of Business, USC
Other details:
- Application deadline: Dec 1
Benefit: varies
- Must be a first-year Master of Human Resources student at Moore School of Business, USC
- Must complete a research project of critical interest to the HR field
Other details:
- Application deadline: Dec 1
South Dakota
Marcus and Vera Anderson Memorial Scholarship/Beacom School of Business, USD
Benefit: varies
- Must be an undergraduate or graduate HR student at Beacom School of Business, USD
National Indian Gaming Association Spirit of Sovereignty Scholarship
Benefit: varies
- Must be an undergraduate or graduate HR major
- Must be attending a participating tribal college (see list) in 16 states
Amundson/Absher Family Scholarship-Beacom School of Business, University of South Dakota
Benefit: varies
- Must be seeking an undergraduate HR degree from Beacom School of Business, USD
bhsu.edu Montana-Dakota Utilities Scholarship/Black Hills State University
Benefit: varies
- Must be a full-time undergraduate student in human resources management (among other select majors) at Black Hills State University
- Must come from a community served by Montana-Dakota Utilities
Beacom Family Scholarship, USD
Benefit: varies
- Must be entering the Beacom School of Business at USD
- Must be a graduate of a SD high school
Patrick and Ruth Boehmer Scholarship/Beacom School of Business, USD
Benefit: varies
- Must be an undergraduate student at Beacom School of Business, USD
- Preference given to graduates of Faulkton or Brandon Valley HS
DeVry University Business Edge Scholarship
Benefit: $1000
- Must be entering a Management program in Human Resources at the undergraduate or graduate level at DeVry University
- Must have high GPA
Oak Ridge Human Resources Association Scholarship/University of Tennessee Knoxville
Benefit: varies
- Must be an undergraduate or graduate student in the Haslam School of Business Human Resources Management program at UTK
- Must show strong academic performance
Tennessee Labor Management Foundation Scholarship
Benefit: up to $3000
- Must be a resident of Tennessee
- Must be at least a full-time undergraduate junior HR major (may also be a graduate HR student)
- Must have a 2.5 GPA
- Must not be related to a member of the TN Labor Management Foundation
- Must plan to pursue a career in HR
- Must submit essay
Other details:
- Application deadline: Jan 30, June 16
Western Governors University Society for Human Resource Management Scholarships
Benefit: full tuition or $2000
- Must be a member of SHRM
- Must be admitted to a WGU bachelor’s or master’s degree program in human resource management/business field
Other details:
- Application deadline: March 31
Allen E. Grotke Scholarship/Johnson County Community Foundation
Benefit: $250 to $3000
- Must have graduated from a Johnson County, TN high school
- Must be pursuing a human resources or other business-related undergraduate degree full-time at an accredited school
- Must have a 2.0 GPA
Other details:
- Application deadline: March 1
Haslam College of Business Undergraduate Scholarship/University of Tennessee Knoxville
Benefit: varies
- Must be a full-time undergraduate student in the Haslam College of Business at UTK
- Must have a 2.75 GPA
DeVry University Business Edge Scholarship
Benefit: $1000
- Must be entering a Management program in Human Resources at the undergraduate or graduate level at DeVry University
- Must have high GPA
Art Edgarian/Charles Umshield Scholarship/San Antonio Human Resource Management Association Inc.,
Benefit: $1,000
- Must be an undergraduate or graduate HR student
- Must be a member of a college/university SHRM chapter or must submit one recommendation from the academic advisor of their college/university SHRM chapter
- Must submit essay
Other details:
- Application deadline: March 31 for spring, Oct 31 for fall
HRSouthwest Conference Excellence in Education Student Scholarship
Benefit: $1000
- Must be a part- or full-time undergraduate (with at least junior status) or graduate student in a HR degree program
- If part-time, must work at least 24 hours per week in an HR-related profession
- Must be a member of a SHRM chapter in the Southwest Central Region
- Must have a 3.0 GPA
Other details:
- Application deadline: May 15
Steve Miller Human Resources Scholarship/University of North Texas
Benefit: varies
- Must be an undergraduate or graduate student at University of North Texas
- Must have a 3.25 GPA
- Must be a full-time human resources employee at University of North Texas
Other details:
- Application deadline: March 1
North Texas SHRM Student Scholarship
Benefit: $1000
- Must be an undergraduate or graduate HR major at a school with an active SHRM chapter in North Texas
- Must have 3.0 GPA
- Must submit essay
Other details:
- Application deadline: Oct 1
Drew Young Student Scholarship/Dallas Human Resources Association
Benefit: $2000 and complimentary registration to the HRSouthwest Conference
- Must be a full-time undergraduate or graduate student in human resources management
- Must have a 3.0 GPA
- Must be a member of a SHRM student chapter
- Must submit essay
Other details:
- Application deadline: May 15
Western Governors University Society for Human Resource Management Scholarships
Benefit: full tuition or $2000
- Must be a member of SHRM
- Must be admitted to a WGU bachelor’s or master’s degree program in human resource management/business field
Other details:
- Application deadline: March 31
Central Texas Compensation & Benefits Association Scholarship/Concordia University Texas
Benefit: $1700
- Must be a junior or senior student in the BA in Human Resource Management program at Concordia University Texas
- Must have a 3.0 GPA
- Must demonstrate financial need
- Must submit references
- Must submit essay
Other details:
- Application deadline: Oct 30
Karl B. Zimmerman Memorial Graduate Scholarship/Austin Human Resource Management Association
Benefit: $1000
- Must be a full-time graduate student in human resources in a school in one of these TX counties: Williamson, Travis, Hays, Burnet, or Bastrop
- Must have a 3.0 GPA
- Preference given to active members of AHRMA or SHRM or to students with documented work experience in human resources
- Must submit resume
- Must submit essay
Other details:
- Application deadline: Oct 27
Dean’s Merit Woodbury School of Business-Human Resources-Utah Valley University
Benefit: varies
- Must be an undergraduate HR student in Woodbury School of Business at Utah Valley University
- Must have a 3.0 GPA
- Must be a Utah resident
Other details:
- Application deadline: March 1
Southern Utah Trucking Association Scholarship
Benefit: $100 to $1500
- Must be a high school or college student enrolled in an undergraduate program in Utah
- Preference given to those entering truck-industry related fields such as HR
- Preference given to members/relatives of Utah Trucking Association
- Must have 2.5 GPA
New England Employee Benefits Council Scholarship Program
Benefit: $1000 to $5000
- Must be an undergraduate or graduate HR student at a college/university in ME, MA, NH, RI, CT or VT
- Must be a U.S. citizen
- Must have a 3.0 GPA
- Must be a resident of CT, MA, ME, NH, RI or VT
Other details:
- Application deadline: April 1
Owen H. Becker Endowment Fund/Champlain College
Benefit: varies
- Must be a student majoring in HR at Champlain College
- Preference given to students from CT and VT
- Must demonstrate financial need
Fred Foulkes Scholarship for Academic Excellence/Northeast Human Resources Association
Benefit: $5000
- Must be a full-time graduate human resources student at an accredited New England school
DeVry University Business Edge Scholarship
Benefit: $1000
- Must be entering a Management program in Human Resources at the undergraduate or graduate level at DeVry University
- Must have high GPA
Ranzy Gammal Memorial Scholarship/Project Management Institute Educational Foundation
Benefit: $1500
- Must be applying to/enrolled in an accredited undergraduate or graduate degree program in human resources (among other fields that relate to project management)
- Must reside in the Hampton Roads, VA area, especially the following counties or cities: York, Williamsburg, Virginia Beach, Suffolk, Portsmouth, Poquoson, Northampton, Norfolk, Newport News, Isle of Wight, Hampton, Chesapeake, Accomack; as well as zip codes in North Carolina beginning with 279
- Second preference given to applicants residing anywhere in state of VA
- Third preference given to applicants residing in the mid-Atlantic region including DC, VA, WV, NY, PA, NJ, MD and DE
Other details:
- Application deadline: May 1
Hampton Roads Society for Human Resource Management
Benefit: $500
- Must be working towards an undergraduate or graduate HR degree
- Must be a HRSHRM member
Other details:
- Application deadline: Aug 11
Peter Veglahn Memorial Scholarship/Shenandoah Valley Society for Human Resource Management
Benefit: $1000
- Must be a full0time undergraduate or full- or part-time graduate student in a human resources program in the U.S.
- Must reside or attend school in the SVSHRM membership area (Augusta, Page, Rockingham and Shenandoah counties and cities within those VA counties)
- Must have a high GPA
- Must have demonstrated commitment to a human resources career
- Must have community service/extracurricular activities
- Must have demonstrated leadership skills
- Must submit essay
Other details:
- Application deadline: April 16
Virginia Society for Human Resource Management State Council Scholarship
Benefit: $500
- Must be an undergraduate or graduate student in human resources in a Virginia school
Other details:
- Application deadline: August 11
Hoy & Madeline Hopkins Memorial Scholarship/Virginia Tech
Benefit: varies
- Must be an undergraduate student in the Pamplin College of Business at Virginia Tech
- Must be from the city of Radford, VA
- Must demonstrate financial need
Other details:
- Application deadline: Jan 22
Human Resource Leadership Awards Scholarship/Marymount University Graduate School
Benefit: varies
- Must be pursuing a graduate degree in human resources at Marymount University
- Must have a 3.0 GPA
Celeste W. Reynolds Graduate Scholarship/Virginia Tech
Benefit: varies
- Must be a graduate student in the College of Human Resources at Virginia Tech
Other details:
- Application deadline: March 2
National Indian Gaming Association Spirit of Sovereignty Scholarship
Benefit: varies
- Must be an undergraduate or graduate HR major
- Must be attending a participating tribal college (see list) in 16 states
Western Governors University Society for Human Resource Management Scholarships
Benefit: full tuition or $2000
- Must be a member of SHRM
- Must be admitted to a WGU bachelor’s or master’s degree program in human resource management/business field
Other details:
- Application deadline: March 31
Apple Valley Human Resource Association Human Resource Scholarship
Benefit: varies
- Must be a graduating high school senior or current high school student from Chelan, Douglas or Okanogan county hs pursing a degree/career in human resources
- Must be a full-time student at a school in Washington State or Wenatchee Valley College
- Must have a 3.0 GPA
- Must demonstrate financial need
- Must demonstrate strong moral character and community service
- Must submit essay
Other details:
- Application deadline: March 1
Columbia-Willamette Compensation Group Student Scholarship
Benefit: $1000
- Must be enrolled in an undergraduate HR program at an accredited school
- Must have a 2.75 GPA
Other details:
- Application deadline: March 30
Oregon/SW Washington Chapter-COMTO Scholarship Program
Benefit: $500 to $1000
- Must be a minority student from Oregon or Southwest Washington
- Must be enrolled in a HR program at a 2- or 4-year school
West Virginia
Ranzy Gammal Memorial Scholarship/Project Management Institute Educational Foundation
Benefit: $1500
- Must be applying to/enrolled in an accredited undergraduate or graduate degree program in human resources (among other fields that relate to project management)
- Must reside in the Hampton Roads, VA area, especially the following counties or cities: York, Williamsburg, Virginia Beach, Suffolk, Portsmouth, Poquoson, Northampton, Norfolk, Newport News, Isle of Wight, Hampton, Chesapeake, Accomack; as well as zip codes in North Carolina beginning with 279
- Second preference given to applicants residing anywhere in state of VA
- Third preference given to applicants residing in the mid-Atlantic region including DC, VA, WV, NY, PA, NJ, MD and DE
Other details:
- Application deadline: May 1
Blackhawk Human Resource Association Scholarship
Benefit: $3000
- Must be pursuing an undergraduate or graduate HR degree
- Must reside and/or work and/or attend college within a 40-mile radius of Janesville, WI
- Must have a 3.0 GPA
Other details:
- Application deadline: April 30
Fond du Lac Area Human Resources Association HR Scholarship
Benefit: varies
- Must be enrolled in an undergraduate or graduate or certificate HR program
- Must be a U.S. citizen
- Must be a resident of the Fond du Lac area or attending a program in the Fond du Lac area
Other details:
- Application deadline: March 16
Fox Valley SHRM Sons & Daughters Scholarship
Benefit: $1000
- Must be the son or daughter of a Fox Valley SHRM chapter member
- Must be attending an undergraduate or graduate college program
Other details:
- Application deadline: April 15
National Indian Gaming Association Spirit of Sovereignty Scholarship
Benefit: varies
- Must be an undergraduate or graduate HR major
- Must be attending a participating tribal college (see list) in 16 states
Chuck Sauter/Fox Valley SHRM Scholarship/University of Wisconsin Oshkosh
Benefit: $500 to $1000
- Must be a current UW Oshkosh student in an undergraduate or graduate HR program
- Must be a member of UW Oshkosh SHRM chapter
Other details:
- Application deadline: Nov 30
Greater Madison Area SHRM Student Scholarship
Benefit: $750
- Must be an undergraduate HR student at a Wisconsin college/university
- Must have a 3.0 GPA
- Must be a current member of an SHRM student chapter
Other details:
- Application deadline: Dec 8
Milwaukee Area Technical College Business Division Scholarship
Benefit: $500
- Must be in the second or third semester of an associate degree in HR program at MATC
- Must be enrolled in at least 12 credits
- Must have a 3.0 GPA
Other details:
- Application deadline: April 8
Milwaukee Area Technical College Clem Wisch Business Scholarship
Benefit: $500
- Must be in an associate degree in HR program at MATC and be in at least the second semester of the program
- Must be enrolled in at least 6 credits
- Must have a 2.5 GPA
Other details:
- Application deadline: April 8
Milwaukee Area Technical College John Wargin Memorial Scholarship
Benefit: $1000
- Must be in an associate degree in HR program at MATC
- Must have completed at least 12 credits
- Must be enrolled in at least 6 credits
- Must have a 3.0 GPA
Other details:
- Application deadline: April 8
MRA – The Management Association, Excellence in Human Resources Scholarship
Benefits: varies
- Must be an undergraduate junior or senior in an HR degree program in Illinois, Iowa, Minnesota or Wisconsin
Other details:
- Application deadline: April 30
Tri-County Human Resources Association Scholarship/Southwest Wisconsin Technical College
Benefit: $500
- Must be an undergraduate business management/HR student at Southwest Wisconsin Technical College
Kimberly A. Van Den Elzen Scholarship/Community Foundation of North Central Wisconsin
Benefit: varies
- Must be a resident of the greater Wausau area
- Must be a graduating high school senior or a high school graduate
- Must be accepted into a college program
- Must plan to pursue a HR career
- Must demonstrate commitment to community and the welfare of others
Woodrow Wilson MBA Fellowship in Education Leadership
Benefit: $50,000
- Must be enrolled in an MBA program with a HR concentration at a designated campus in participating states (include Indiana, New Mexico, Wisconsin)
- Must be nominated by a local education leader or colleague
- Must commit to serve for three years in approved school/district leadership position in your state
National Indian Gaming Association Spirit of Sovereignty Scholarship
Benefit: varies
- Must be an undergraduate or graduate HR major
- Must be attending a participating tribal college (see list) in 16 states
Powder River Basin Society for Human Resource Management Scholarship
Benefit: $600
- Must be majoring in human resources at a Wyoming school
- Must submit essay
Other details:
- Application deadline: Feb 22
Non-state-based Human Resources Scholarships
AfterCollege Business Student Scholarship
Benefit: varies
- Must be working towards an undergraduate/graduate degree in business field (HR applies)
- Must have a 3.0 GPA
Build Your Future Human Resources Construction Council Scholarship
Benefit: $500
- Must be a full- or part-time HR undergraduate or graduate student in the U.S.
- Must be a U.S. citizen/permanent resident
- Must have a 2.0 GPA
- Must wish to pursue HR in the construction industry
HRIS Payroll Software HR Scholarship
Benefit: $1000
- Must be an undergraduate or graduate human resources student in an accredited college/university in the U.S. or online
- Must have completed at least one HR management course if undergraduate student
- Must have completed at least one HR graduate course if graduate student
- Must have 2.5 GPA (undergrad) or 3.0 GPA (grad)
Other details:
- Application deadline: Feb 15
Jane M. Klausman Women in Business Scholarship/ZONTA International
Benefit: $2000 to $8000
- Must be a full-time female undergraduate or graduate student in business/human resources field at an accredited school in the U.S.
- Must have an outstanding academic record
- Must have demonstrated initiative, ambition and commitment to a career in business
- Must submit two letters of recommendation
- Must submit essay
Other details:
- Must submit application at local ZONTA club
- Application deadline: July 1
Timothy S.Y. Lam Foundation Education Scholarship
Benefit: $2000
- Must be a human resources hospitality undergraduate or graduate student at a U.S. school or online
- Must be at least 18 years old
- Must have a high school diploma or GED
- Must submit essay
- Must submit reference letter
Other details:
- Application deadline: May 15
Walter Vaughn Excellence in Human Resources Scholarship/CPS-HR/National Forum for Black Public Administrators
Benefit: $2500
- Must be enrolled in an undergraduate or graduate program in human resources in the U.S. (preferably at a HBCU)
- Must be African-American
- Must have a 3.0 GPA
- Must be involved in extracurricular activities and have leadership skills
- Must have at least one full-time semester left after May 2018
- Must not be working full-time
Other details:
- Application deadline: March 14
Versitas Education Scholarship
Benefit: $1000
- Must be an undergraduate or graduate human resources student at a U.S. college/university
- Must have a 2.7 GPA
Other details:
- Application deadline: Jan 22
International Public Management Association for Human Resources (IPMA-HR) College Scholarship
Benefit: $1000
- Must have a parent, stepparent or legal guardian who has been a member of the national IPMA-HR for at least the past three years
- Must be a full-time undergraduate student pursuing a HR –related degree at an accredited school
- Preference given to applicants who are pursuing a degree in business administration or public administration with an HR concentration
Other details:
- Application deadline: June 4
Oracle Corporate Scholars Program/United Negro College Fund
Benefit: up to $10,000 and summer internship at Oracle
- Must be an undergraduate human resources major at an accredited HBCU in the U.S.
- Must be a U.S. citizen or permanent resident
- Must be African-American
- Must have attended high school in U.S.
- Must be at least a sophomore
- Must have a 3.0 GPA
Other details:
- Application deadline: April 4
PayScale Future of Work Scholarship
Benefit: varies
- Must be accepted into/enrolled in an undergraduate human resources college program in the United States
Society of Human Resources Management Foundation Undergraduate Scholarship
Benefit: $2500
- Must be a current professional or student SHRM member
- Must be enrolled in an undergraduate HR-related program at an accredited school
- Must have a 3.0 GPA
Other details:
- Application deadline: October 1
- Selection criteria:
- o 35% – commitment to the HR profession
- o 25%- volunteer, leadership and service activities
- o 20% – academic achievement
- o 20%- financial need
Wells Fargo Scholarship for Undergraduates – American Indian Graduate Center Scholars
Benefit: varies
- Must be a full-time junior or senior pursuing an undergraduate degree in human resources in the U.S. (among other select majors)
- Must be an American Indian or Alaskan Native or possess one-fourth degree Indian blood of a state or federally recognized tribe
- Must have a 3.0 GPA
- Must demonstrate financial need
Other details:
- Application deadline: May 1
American Hotel and Lodging Educational Foundation Graduate Scholarship
Benefit: $5000
- Must be a graduate student in human resources (among other select fields)
- Must be a U.S. citizen
- Must have a 3.0 GPA
Other details:
- Application deadline: May 1
Anthony C. “Tony” Russo Scholarship/National Public Employer Labor Relations Association
Benefit: $3000
- Must be a graduate student in human resources
- Must be a U.S. citizen
- Preference given to MPELRA members
- Preference given to students currently working for state, local or special district governments
Other details:
- Application deadline: Sept 30
Society of Human Resources Management (SHRM) Graduate Scholarship
Benefit: $5000
- Must be a current professional or student SHRM member
- Must be enrolled in a graduate HR-related program at an accredited school
- Must have a 3.5 GPA (graduate) or 3.0 GPA (undergraduate)
Other details:
- Application deadline: October 10
- Selection criteria:
- o 35% – commitment to the HR profession
- o 25%- volunteer, leadership and service activities
- o 20% – academic achievement
- o 20%- financial need
Susan R. Meisinger Graduate Fellowship/Society of Human Resources Management (SHRM)
Benefit: $10,000 to $20,000
- Must be a current professional or student SHRM member
- Must have three years of HR work experience
- Must have five years of total work experience
- Must be accepted into/enrolled in a master’s degree HR-related program at an accredited school
- Must have a 3.0 GPA (undergraduate) or 3.5 GPA (graduate)
Other details:
- Application deadline: August 15
- Selection criteria:
- o Demonstrated leadership in HR
- o Work and leadership experience
- o Undergraduate achievements
- o Community involvement
Students can learn more about joining the SHRM, becoming members of local student chapters of the SHRM, and applying for student scholarships through their state’s SHRM chapter/council:
- Alabama SHRM State Council
- Alaska SHRM State Council
- Arizona SHRM
- Arkansas SHRM State Council
- California State Council of SHRM
- Colorado SHRM
- Connecticut SHRM State Council
- Delaware SHRM State Council
- District of Columbia SHRM
- HR Florida State Council
- SHRM Georgia State Council
- SHRM Hawaii
- Idaho State Council
- Illinois State Council
- Indiana State Council SHRM
- Iowa SHRM State Council
- Kansas State Council of SHRM
- Kentucky SHRM
- Louisiana Society for Human Resource Management
- SHRM Maine State Council
- Maryland SHRM State Council
- Massachusetts State Council
- Michigan Council of SHRM
- SHRM Minnesota State Council
- Mississippi SHRM and MS State Council
- Missouri State Council of SHRM
- Montana SHRM State Council
- SHRM Nebraska State Council
- Nevada State SHRM Council
- HR State Council of New Hampshire
- New Jersey – Garden State Council SHRM
- SHRM New Mexico
- New York State Council SHRM
- North Carolina State Council SHRM
- North Dakota SHRM State Council
- Ohio SHRM State Council
- Oklahoma State Council for Human Resource Management
- Oregon State Council
- Pennsylvania State Council of SHRM
- Rhode Island SHRM State Chapter
- South Carolina SHRM State Council
- South Dakota SHRM State Council
- Tennessee – SHRM TN
- Texas SHRM State Council
- Utah SHRM
- SHRM Vermont State Council
- Virginia SHRM State Council
- Washington State Human Resources Council
- West Virginia SHRM State Council
- Wisconsin State Council SHRM
- Wyoming SHRM State Council